Leading to Impact Blog:
Your Guide to Leadership and Social Impact
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Why Problem Solving and Brainstorming in Groups Often Fails: Moving Beyond the Minimum Acceptable Solution
Learn why groups often fail to produce innovative solutions when they brainstorm and solve problems resulting in the minimum acceptable solution

Why Starting with “Defining the Problem” in Public Services is a Mistake
Defining the problem in public sector projects & initiatives is often the first step to failure. We need to refocus on the system that creates those needs

Why We Need To Avoid AIsolation: The AI Negative Social Impact Trap.
AIsolation is the negative social impact that occurs when people have been disengaged by AI from each other and the world in which they live.

What does good AI look like? Why We Need A Harmonious Vision of AI for the Future.
What does good AI look like? The concept of harmony can help us find our way to better AI and create a for a better future and positive social impact
Why AI Needs To Be a Priority To Help Us Fix Healthcare & The NHS
Why should AI be a priority for the NHS? Our healthcare system is broken and in crises, surely Healthcare AI is just a distraction from fixing the problem? Or is AI our best bet in turning our crises around? Our NHS is Currently In Crisis.Is Healthcare AI Just A...
How Do We Stop The Latest NHS Reform Plan from Failing?
How do we stop yet another NHS plan from failing? The plan is not the solution. What matters most is HOW it is delivered.
Are The NHS Reforms Radical Enough?
Will the new radical reforms of the NHS announced this week be enough to fix the waiting list crises?
Why the England’s Devolution Plan is The New Feudalism.
Review of England’s devolution plan: This version of devolution is the reinvention of a feudal system with the bureaucrats in charge
Why More Data Isn’t Fixing Healthcare: The Case for Embracing Diverse Realities
Are we drowning in data but missing the point? Despite collecting ever more healthcare data, we are missing people’s diverse experience of reality.
Why Love Should Replace Stress & Fear At The Heart of Healthcare
Love is an essential part of healthcare. The National Health Service needs be managed with love and compassion to build trust in the services it provides. As any organisation providing a service needs to do it from a place of love. Yet, despite its mission to improve...
It’s Not ‘The NHS’, It’s ‘OUR NHS’: Better Healthcare Through Reconnection To Society
It is not ‘The NHS’, it is ‘Our NHS’. The relationship between the NHS and the society it serves is one of deep interdependence. When people talk about the NHS as a separate thing they are ignoring its and our health is dependent on each other. The phrase "our NHS"...
Can the NHS Be Fixed With a New Plan? How To Avoid Repeating The Mistakes Of The Past.
The NHS is broken according to the UK Prime Minister. The NHS is at a crossroads once again, with fresh discussions of reform and yet another plan being proposed aimed at ‘fixing’ what’s deemed a broken system. But will a plan work? Can we learn from how other plans...
Why the NHS is Broken & How We Can Fix It
The National Health Service (NHS), has famously been labelled as ‘broken; by the new Minister for Health. This sentiment reflects widespread concern about the effectiveness of the system, but what is the real reason behind its struggles, and how can we fix it? The...
What is Organisational Diversity: Understanding Diversity is Not A Tick Box.
For many organisations, diversity has become a buzzword. The reality of organisational diversity is that it is often reduced to a box ticking exercise. While businesses and media are eager to showcase diverse representation, diversity is often mistaken as simply...
How to Make Your Organisation More Diverse Through Recruitment
It’s one thing to want to make your organisation diverse it’s another thing to do it. Our recruitment process discriminates at every stage against diversity. Whilst we talk about making our organisations more diverse, our main tool for change prevents diversity by...
What is The Edge of Possible? How to Make Better Decisions and Create A Future of Opportunity.
What is the Edge of Possible? How can it help you and your organisation make better decisions, be more resilient and grasp future opportunity?
Why Fear is the Silent Killer of Team Performance
Why fear is the silent killer of team performance? Why is it that teams of excellent people can massively underperform?
Beyond the Comfort Zone: The Role of Niches in Personal and Social Transformation
Why Our Comfort Zone is our ecological niche and what this can teach us about change and transformation.
Harnessing the Passion of Team Sports: Motivational Lessons for Leaders of Change
People are so passionate about team sports. Can leaders harness a similar passion and motivation in their organisation?
Why Organisational Change Needs to be Created Horizontally and Not Just Vertically.
Organisational change is normally done from the top down vertically. Adding horizontal change can empower and engage
How You Can Speed Up The Diffusion of Innovation With Modern Psychology of Change
Elliot Rogers explained his Diffusion of Innovation Theory through a psychological model of change that is now long out of date. How can a modern understanding of psychology be applied to the diffusion of innovation to speed it up?
How to Leverage Your Core Relationships to Create Meaningful Organisational Change
A few people have the core relationships of an organisation and have a disproportionate impact on organisational change. How can we impact them?
The Power of Perception & Belief: How Relationships Shape Our Organisational Changes
Learn the power of perception of and organisational change and understand how that is connected to people’s relationships
What’s Wrong With The Diffusion Of Innovation Theory?
Diffusion of Innovation Theory is the Most Widespread and important theory about how technology and change is spread throughout society. But it is more than 60 years old. What’s wrong with it and what can we do about it?
Why You Need to Focus on Empowering Relationships to Manage Organisational Change.
We normally focus on the wrong things for organisational change. Instead of looking at the parts such as processes, products, or people that make up the system understand the way that it is connected up can be the key to unlocking change.
Ashby’s Law Of Requisite Variety: Why Simple Solutions Often Fail in Organisational Change
Ashby’s law of requisite variety can often explain why organisational change fails. It explains why variation in implementing change is a force for success.
Why I’m Passionate About Organisational Change
Learn why I view organisational change is an act of caring. Whilst staying the same is an act of neglect.
Decision Making is Not All About Being Right
We think good decision making is all about being right. Learn why that’s the wrong approach.
How Diversity & Inclusion is Harmed by Simple Decision Making Bias.
Diversity & Inclusion is essential in organisations, but it often conflicts with the idea of decision making being clear and simple towards an optimum.
How to Transform Change Management to Motivate People
Motivation is an essential tool for engagement and change management. Find out why and how to motivate people for organisational transformation
How to Avoid the Most Common Mistake in Decision Making and Make Better Decisions
Learn to make better decisions. Rushing to make the right decision leads to the Einstellung effect. The most common decision making mistake.
10 Great Examples of Social Impact and Reasons Why They Are Great
Learn 10 great examples of social impact to help inspire you. Through the lens of specific social impact examples, we can explore how different initiatives drive social change, addressing challenges and creating opportunities within societies.
Social Change: A Story about Stories.
We have a story, social change has a story, let’s entwine them to create a better society. So that we can all have better stories.
Social Impact Leadership Guide For Better Strategy, Skills & Decision Making
Discover helpful and useful practical advice and guidance on tools techniques, knowledge and skills for social impact leadership & decision making
10 Inspiring Social Impact Leadership Examples For You To Love
These are 10 social impact leadership examples that i’ve found inspiring. What do they have in common? What can we learn from them?
16 Expert Ways How Can I Get My Project Funded?
Get started on getting your project funded follow this simple guide to get to grips with funding success
Best Types Of Project Funding For Non-Profits & Community Funding
Navigating contracts, donations, crowdfunding, and grants is key to turning visionary projects into impact. Each funding type offers unique benefits, from stability and generosity to innovation and targeted support. Master these avenues to drive meaningful change with strategic agility.
Advice & A Free Professional Project Funding Proposal Template for Bids and Grants in Word, PDF
A great project funding proposal template can be the difference between success and failure of an entire Project. This Blog has a standard template for success
10 Inspiring Reasons to Create Social Impact Projects For a Better Life
Unleash your potential and make a lasting impact by creating social projects. This article identifies 10 inspiring reasons to create a social impact project
How to Maximise Social Impact With Just One Strategy
How do you maximise social Impact?
This article helps you create a social impact strategy through clarity of focus on how you impact your community and how it changes who they are.
Don’t Get Stuck: Create Better Plans with Waypoints for Milestones
Revitalise your planning strategy by shifting from rigid milestones that hold up your projects. Move onto dynamic waypoints. Embrace the flexibility and adaptability of waypoints to navigate the ever-changing reality of the world and advance on a path to impact.
Leadership Plans Fail for These 12 Scientific Reasons
Leadership plans may fail as science tells us surprises and failures are inevitable. Understanding the intrinsic unpredictability of our world is crucial for planning and impactful leadership.
Why Santa is Real. Leading The Magic of Social Impact.
Santa Claus, while a mysterious figure, can be considered real due to the social impact he has every Christmas. The article argues that Santa exists as a collective force of shared cognition in society, embodying the spirit of joy and generosity that we bring to life through our actions. Embracing our inner Santa means impacting the world positively, one act of kindness and one gift at a time.
The Big Scaling Problem For Social & Organisational Change: The Law of Misunderstanding
As we learn more as a society we seem to get more stupid. The Law of Misunderstanding describes as the social impact of an idea proliferates, so do the mistakes
What Is A Project Funding Proposal? How to Understand What Funders Really Want.
A project funding proposal is a communication that you have the capability to achieve a funder’s intentions of creating their desired social impact.
What is Polarity Management? A Beginners Guide To Create a Balanced Strategy
Polarity management is an excellent approach to managing tradeoffs of progress. Learn how to stop making big mistakes in planning & strategy.
10 Steps to Creating a Successful Social Project Funding Proposal
Completing a social project funding proposal can feel like a long winding road. You can navigate your way to success with this 10-step process.
Social & Community Project Funding Proposals and Grants: Your Complete Guide
Want to get funding for your community project? In this full guide to a successful project funding proposal or grant we’ll tell you all you need to know
Project Funding Proposal Test: A New Way to Boost Your Bid.
The Project Funding Bid Strength Test is a new approach to creating funding proposals that assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal before you submit it.
The OODA Loop: How to Improve Your Social Impact Strategy.
Use the OODA Loop to navigate the complexity and uncertainty of social impact projects and empower you to create social impact.
Multi-dimensional Engagement: A Lovely New Approach To Your Campaigns.
Multi-dimensional engagement is like a love story between competing ideas, encouraging conversation and learning. A new approach to marketing & Engagement!
How to Use The Cynefin Framework for Leading Social Impact
Unlock the power of using the Cynefin Framework for leading social impact to see the world in a new way create social projects and impact the world with clarity and purpose.
A Unique Virtuous Circle For Growing Social Enterprise & Not-For-Profit Organisations
Social enterprises & not for profit organisations can revive communities, through creating a virtuous circle of growth. Seeding skills knowledge and belief in a community empowering them to thrive.
The Adaptive Cycle: How to Revitalise Social Impact Project Strategy
Embrace change with a new perspective! Discover the benefits of the adaptive cycle to avoid failure and transform the way you view progress in your business and life.
Your Complete Guide to Starting and Managing Social Projects in Your Community
A comprehensive guide to social projects. Answering your questions and helping you understand how to create and manage social projects in your community.
What is a Social Project? How to Fight Wickedness in the World
A social project can be defined as an initiatives or interventions that aim to address social issues, such as poverty, inequality, health, education, or community development.
What Is A Project? Think in New Ways to Master Social Impact.
A project is a‘ temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique project service or result. Yet we need to think differently when creating social impact.
How to Create Social Projects Using the Social Project Compass.
The Social Project Compass is a tool specifically designed to help you create social projects. Social change can often be an unpredictable journey. This tool gives your project the flexibility and resilience of navigating social change. The compass is designed to help you adapt your project, responding to maintain momentum and maximise social impact.
Social Media Amplifier: How To Attract New People to Your Cause
How important are social media algorithms? Should we spend our time dancing to their tune?
The Social Media Amplifier Offers Solutions.
The Web Of Stakeholder Engagement: How To Empower Your Content.
Traditional approaches to stakeholder engagement pretend people are thoughtless zombies. Instead, create a web of engagement for people to engage with our projects in their own way.
Cost Of Living Crisis: The 4 Social Impact Strategy Options
Social projects are an important means of addressing the cost of living crisis. This guide looks at the 4 different types of Social impact that can help people in their time of need.
Escape the Bureaucratic Approach to Change Management & The Planning Stress Cycle
The bureaucratic approach to change leads to the Planning stress cycle is causing many organisations to struggle. and fail service staff and service users
Why Survival of the Fittest is A Myth That Fails to Lead To A Better Society
Social impact through survival of the fittest is a core idea in our societies. Is this view accurate? Should we just empower the strong to change society?
Hierarchy Of Social Intervention: How To Efficiently Scale Social Impact
We cannot scale up social impact the same old solutions, as we lack the staff and funding. The Hierarchy of Social Intervention helps us change our approach.
What is Social Impact? How to Understand An Emerging Concept.
What is Social Impact? Most definitions pretend that people predictably follow instructions like robots. We need to rethink our approach.
Why You Need to Boost Creativity During the Cost of Living Crisis For Better Social Impact
The cost of living is going up relentlessly and we should look to be creative and innovative to avoid getting trapped in a spiral of negative social impact.
Cost of Living Crisis: Social Impact Projects Can Empower Us
Whilst we can have very little control over the financial situation. We can influence the social side to mitigate the social impact.
Are Social Movements the Great Future of Social Impact?
Technology is empowering people to connect movements. Is leadership still needed for social projects and social change?
Why Frontline Leaders Are Best Placed to Create Great Social Impact
Social projects are all about changing society. What leadership is most effective at creating change in our society
The Power of Inspiring New Role Models for Leading Social Impact
How can leaders create social impact through inspiring role models?
What is Social Innovation & Why You Need to Know?
You may not have heard of the term social innovation before. But it is something that if we want to make a difference in our communities it is something that concerns us all.