Leading to Impact Blog: Comms & Stakeholder Engagement


Law of Misunderstanding Scale of Social Change

The Big Scaling Problem For Social & Organisational Change: The Law of Misunderstanding

As we learn more as a society we seem to get more stupid. The Law of Misunderstanding describes as the social impact of an idea proliferates, so do the mistakes


What Is A Project Funding Proposal? How to Understand What Funders Really Want.

A project funding proposal is a communication that you have the capability to achieve a funder’s intentions of creating their desired social impact.

Multidimensional-Engagement for stakeholder engagement

Multi-dimensional Engagement: A Lovely New Approach To Your Campaigns.

Multi-dimensional engagement is like a love story between competing ideas, encouraging conversation and learning. A new approach to marketing & Engagement!

Social Media Amplifier

Social Media Amplifier: How To Attract New People to Your Cause

How important are social media algorithms? Should we spend our time dancing to their tune?
The Social Media Amplifier Offers Solutions.

Web of Stakeholder-Engagement

The Web Of Stakeholder Engagement: How To Empower Your Content.

Traditional approaches to stakeholder engagement pretend people are thoughtless zombies. Instead, create a web of engagement for people to engage with our projects in their own way.

Social Movements for Social Impact Banner

Are Social Movements the Great Future of Social Impact?

Technology is empowering people to connect movements. Is leadership still needed for social projects and social change?

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