It’s Not ‘The NHS’, It’s ‘OUR NHS’: Better Healthcare Through Reconnection To Society

It’s Not ‘The NHS’, It’s ‘OUR NHS’: Better Healthcare Through Reconnection To Society

It is not ‘The NHS’, it is ‘Our NHS’. The relationship between the NHS and the society it serves is one of deep interdependence. When people talk about the NHS as a separate thing they are ignoring its and our health is dependent on each other. The phrase “our...
How Diversity & Inclusion is Harmed by Simple Decision Making Bias.

How Diversity & Inclusion is Harmed by Simple Decision Making Bias.

Diversity and inclusion requires variation in organisational decision making. However, from the moment an organisational change is created, very often it is simplified to gain acceptance, approval and spread. This simple decision bias hinders consideration and...
The OODA Loop: How to Improve Your Social Impact Strategy.

The OODA Loop: How to Improve Your Social Impact Strategy.

Creating Social Impact Projects Challenges Creating social impact is hard. Even if you with all the expertise a charity or social enterprise has, creating a social change project that results in social impact is always a challenge. Why? Because the project management...