Edge of Possible:

Funding Proposal Consulting

Get Support To Win Funding For Your Social Impact Project

Guidance & advice to help you create successful funding proposals.

Project Stress (small)
Project-Manager covers head with  laptop-Confusion


Creating a funding proposal is challenging.

Are you feeling:

Pressure to come up with the perfect bid?

Like you want to make your bid stand out but don't know how.

Overwhelmed and don't know where to start?

Frustrated that you can't provide detailed answers to the questions?

Like you don't know what to do next.

Stuck on a problem and can't see a way out?

Just want some help and support.

Creating a Funding Proposal is Often a Long Journey

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Project Funding Proposal 10 Steps Road to Success

I Can Guide You on Your Journey, So You Don't Take a Wrong Turn

Hi I’m John-Paul,

Your Social Impact Guide

Writing a funding proposal can be the most critical stage of a project, and the pressure to get it right can be overwhelming. However, the skills needed to write a successful proposal are often different from those required to run a project. That’s why I’m here to help.

As someone who has spent 18 years creating and awarding funding applications across the public and private sectors, I understand the challenges involved. It can be difficult to think creatively and objectively in times of stress. It can also be common to feel overwhelmed by all the detail needed.

The most common thing to do is to get your head down and work hard until it’s done. Getting independent advice can save you a lot of time and effort. The evaluators often will see the world differently from the way you, or your organisation does. So getting an independent fresh perspective can be a big advantage. You don’t want the first time anyone outside your organsiation see’s your bid to be the judgment of whether it has succeeded or failed.

Through taking a multidisciplinary approach we can look at your bid from various perspectives. We can work together to identify where we can make the biggest impact on your bid. We will create an approach unique to you and your bid. This will help make the biggest difference at the stage you are at. Whilst at the same time developing insights and learning to help you improve your bid for maximum impact.

Through working together I can help you get clarity on your project and guide you through creating a successful funding application from start to finish.

John-Paul Crofton-Biwer Coaching Profile
Leadership and Decision Making Icon

Project Planning

Helping you gain clarity. We will develop models and maps of your project. Enabling you to define and scope your project. Creating a well-defined plan is often easy to say and hard to do. Especially if you are dealing with uncertain and changing problems. We look at different ways of categorising things to create a plan that will enhance and support your work.


Circle-Change Capability-blue


Understand and build up your capacity to deliver the project. Do a skills audit. Use appreciative inquiry to discover additional strengths to build on. Communicate an evidence base that will make you a credible bidder. Examine other paths to adding credibility to your bid such as partnerships and collaborations.

Budgeting for Spending Funds


Be able to get a handle on the maths behind your project. Effective budgeting is essential for the sustainability of any project. Develop a realistic and effective budget, ensuring that the project is financially sustainable and that resources are allocated efficiently. I’ll support you with my experience creating bids and funding proposals and identify how best to present this data.


Circle Engagement for Project Delivery

Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement of stakeholders is often the biggest factor in the success of a project. Use a range of tools to map and understand the stakeholders on your project. Develop paths of communication that will match their level of understanding. Whilst collecting valuable insights to give the implementation of your project the best paths to success. Engage and address their needs and how to turn them into advocates for your work.

Evaluating Project For Impact

Monitoring and Evaluation

Showing you can monitor the impact is often key to winning investment. With extensive background in project analytics, I can help you develop a strong data collection and evaluation plan. Reflecting the difference your project makes in the world. Providing a platform for continuous improvement and communicating the benefits of the project.

Innovation For Change


It’s hard to stand out and be different. Sometimes it’s finding a new perspective a fresh insights. Other times it’s finding your own unique authentic voice. Lets uncover what makes you unique. By standing out you create a narrative that assessors will remember and give your project a real heart and soul. Together we can use what makes your project special as a golden thread throughout your project bid.


Project Impact Discovery


Creating an impact. This is what it’s all about. Yet doing so often can be unpredictable and intangable. We don’t want to promise something we can’t be sure of. However, gaining insight and understanding on this topic can really build confidence in assessors. Working together we will create a routemap to success and consider contingencies so that your bid generates belief in achieving impact.

Scaling and Sustainability Plan

Scalability & Sustainability

After the projects what’s next? The tail end of the project often feels like an inconvenience. Often this is the last thing considered about a bid. Yet it’s your legacy.

Whilst scaling is a truly hard problem. It can be challenging enough to get a project to work the first time. But doing it on multiple occasions in multiple places with different people is often beyond most projects. But scaling can be an impact multiplier of everything you do.

Achieve Funding Success With the Edge of Possible

Edge of Possible Coaching System:

Social-Impact-Funding-Proposal-OODA-LOOP-with 6 steps

‘OODA LOOP’ by Col John Boyd: “Obeserve, Orient, Decide, Act”

Read more about the OODA Loop Empowering People Focussed Projects (Here.)

Logo OODA LOOP Session 1 Observe

Session 1: Observe

My coaching process is really adapted to your needs. That means starting with you. In this session you set the tone and pace.

In this stage, we will take the time to understand your world, as well as the details of your project.

You can explain your problems and the destination you would like to reach.

We will review the strengths and weaknesses of your bid and the key details around the bid

Logo OODA Loop Session 2 Orient

Session 2: Orient

The focus of this session is to make sense of your world. 

We will look at fresh perspectives to improve your understanding and gain new insights.

We match up your project, your proposal and the requirements and needs of those assessing the bid.

We will start to model and map the bid, so that we can gain a good situation awareness of where you are at.


Logo OODA Loop Session 3 Guide

Session 3: Guide (Re-Orient)

Without guidance, people often go through the same loop repeatedly without learning and progression.

I will contribute my experience and ideas and tools that I believe will be most helpful for you to see your work from a fresh perspective.

This is very much a co-creation session and it will give us a full range of possibilities as we consider the path going forwards.


Logo OODA Loop Session 4 Decide

Session 4: Decide

Together, we will review different options. How can you both improve your proposal as well as the likelihood of implementing the project. This will help you make informed decisions about your project, and choose the path that is right for you.

It is not about knowing the right answer, but the emphasis is creating hypothesis we are then able to test to establish the best path forwards.

Logo OODA Session 5 Act

Session 5: Act

The focus of this session is put together a plan of action. What we intend to do when. It is also understanding all the little things that get in the way of action and how we might overcome them.

We will create a strategy for action and look at different contingencies to ensure that your project is well-prepared for any obstacles that may arise.

You should end this session with an action plan for your proposal. But it should be one that you feel is tailored to your personal strengths and is achievable.

Logo OODA Loop Session 6 Feedback

Session 6: Feedback

I want our sessions to be a start of a learning journey for you. I want to make sure you have the tools to track and measure progress as well as stay motiviated as you complete the bid and avoid burnout.

We will help you create a feedback loop, so that you can constantly monitor progress, learn from your experiences and make continuous improvements.

So that you can create a project proposal that keeps improving.


Leading to Impact Consulting Offer

6 Sessions

(3 weeks+)


Designed to help people who want to create social impact create strong funding proposals. The six-session package is spread over a minimum of 3 weeks and is personalised coaching directly tailored to meet your unique needs, skills, and the challenges you’re facing.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation and let’s start our journey together to create a better world!

Project Full Day Accelerator


If deadlines are looming and you need urgent help. Or you just want to get ahead as fast as possible. I offer an intense full day intervention.
I only do a limited number of these, and it is dependent on my diary, so places are not guaranteed. 


Schedule a free 30-minute consultation and let’s start our journey together to create a better world!