Creating a project funding proposal can be challenging, and the pressure to get it right can be overwhelming. That’s why I’ve created the Project Funding Proposal Test. This assessment aims to give you feedback and targeted advice to help you create a bid that allows your proposal to shine. This tool will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your bid, allowing you to focus on areas that need improvement. Read on to find out more about how the Project Funding Strength Test can benefit your funding proposal.

Test the Strength of Your Project Funding Proposal:

How robust is your project funding bid?
How robust is your project funding bid?

Are you under pressure to come up with the perfect bid? Do you feel unsure whether your bid gives the right information? Do you worry you haven’t said the right things? Don’t let the first time you know be whether the proposal has failed.

If so, you’re not alone. Creating a funding proposal can be a real challenge, and many people struggle with it.

Are you guessing what the evaluators want from your Funding Proposal?

Project proposal Writers are often kept in the dark
Are you in the dark on whether or not your funding bid will succeed?

The normal way of creating a funding proposal involved guessing what evaluators might want to see. Then spending countless hours writing and revising your proposal. You might speak to people at work, but they know the same things. Then there’s the race to the deadline the last minute panics. Only to wait days and often weeks worrying about it.

Then all too often a rejection! You think if only they understood. If only I had put this or that detail in, maybe it could have been different. This old way of preparing funding proposals is inefficient and ineffective, and enormous stressful for you. It can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort and burn out. And just as importantly, no money to do the things you love.

Get Feedback to Improve Your Project Funding Proposal

The new idea behind the Project Funding Proposal Test is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal before you submit it. You can then focus your time efficiently on areas that need improvement. The assessment framework is based on criteria typically used by expert evaluators and is designed to be thorough yet quick and easy.

Project Funding Proposal Test Results.
Project Funding Proposal Test Results.

For example, imagine you’re submitting a proposal for a new community centre. You’ve spent weeks working on your proposal, but you’re not sure if it’s good enough. By using the Project Funding Proposal Test, you get the result in the picture above. You can quickly identify areas where your proposal is strong: such as scalability and innovation. You can also see areas where your proposal needs work, such as monitoring and evaluation and impact. Whilst there is room for improvement in your project plan. What’s more there’s helpful tips, as part of the results for improving each part of your bid dependent on your score. Armed with this information, you can revise your proposal to improve your chances of success.

What Should a Project Funding Proposal Include

A project funding proposal should include a broad range of criteria for success. The Project Funding Proposal Test assesses your bid over 8 key criteria. Each of these areas need different knowledge and skills to create a strong bid. This is one of the big challenges of creating a successful bid. Having a good project alone isn’t enough. Especially as a weakness in one of these areas will often be spotted by assessors and undermine the good work elsewhere.

1. Project Plan

Project Planning

How clearly have you explained and defined your project?

2. Capability

Project Capability

What is your capacity to deliver the project? Is the project something that is within your ability and experience?

3. Stakeholder Engagement

Project Stakeholder Engagement

Have you demonstrated you have support and understanding of other stakeholders in the project?

4. Budgeting

Project Proposal Budgeting

Do you have a clearly thought through and explained financial planning for the project?

5. Monitoring & Evaluation

Project Evaluation

How do you know if it’s working?

At the end of the project how will you know if the project achieved it’s impact?

6. Innovation

Project Innovation

Is your offer unique and different? Are you explaining what is special about this bid?

7. Impact

Project Impact

Are you clear about how your project will achieve impact? Have you considered any related issues?

8. Scalability & Sustainability

Project Scalability And Sustainability

Have you fully considered what happens when the project ends? How will you maintain and spread the benefits?

Project Funding Proposal Test Tips

What’s more I’ve created tips and advice on how to improve your proposal based on your score in each of these areas in the results of the survey. I’ve created a different set of tips in each category, depending on how you score in the test. As each of these area matures you need to adjust your focus to push to higher levels. The results is a reflection of your project and you will have a clear sense of what to do next. If you would like to learn more about creating a funding proposal I’ve created a complete guide to help you.

Confidentiality & Privacy Respected

All the questions in the proposal are multiple choice. This means that you do not have to worry about sharing any confidential information or unique information about your bid. There is no information about what the proposal is for and you are not providing any unique information about your bid. The test looks is based on standard project assessment measures. There is no cost to taking the test. You provide your email address and we email you a PDF report with your results on. If you require further support, then the test will be invaluable in understanding what support will make the biggest impact to you.  Giving you the best possible chance of success.

The Project Funding Proposal Test To Help You.

Project Proposal Success Our Team Celebrates

The Project Funding Proposal Test is a new approach to creating funding proposals that assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal before you submit it. This is the tool i would have always wanted for creating bids. So i made it myself. By taking just 20 minutes to answer a series of self-assessment questions, you can identify where to spend your time to make your bid the best possible. Armed with this information, you can revise your proposal to improve your chances of success.

Grab a coffee and Take the Project Funding Proposal Test.

If you’re ready to improve your funding proposal, take the Project Funding Proposal Test today. Just grab a coffee and with in 20 minutes, you can get valuable insights that will help you create a stronger proposal and know what needs to be done before submission. Don’t let the first time you get feedback on your bid be whether it was successful.

Alternatively if you know someone who could benefit from this help, please share, and ask them to check it out.

Take the Project Funding Proposal Test: HERE.

Project Funding Proposal Test

Learn to create change that flows: Discover more at

You can also read more in my complete guide to create project funding proposal.

PRoject Funding Advice

Win Funding For Your Project With Professional Advice.

I offer personalised consultancy to help you and your organisation to get funding to make changes that matter.

John-Paul Crofton-Biwer