Innovating Health & Wellbeing For People & Communities

Rewilding Healthcare: Creating Healthy Communities

Empowering Health & Wellbeing Professionals & Organisations To Create New Ways For People To Stay Healthy & Happy in Their Community

Rewilding Healthcare in our communities to Make Change possible


Why We Need To ReWild HealthCare?

“Our current approach to health is unsustainable, both for the health of the population and for the economy. A reorientation towards prevention is the only way to avert the growing health and wealth crisis.”

(UK Department of Health &
Social Care

We Live in a Social Environment That Is Making Us Sick:

  • We are eating and drinking things that harm our health: 64% of UK adults over are obese and overweight. (UK Government)

  • Workplaces are making many of us stressed and anxious: Almost half of work related ill health is stress depression and anxiety (HSE)

  • Our society is destroying many people’s mental health: 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem in any given week in England (House of Commons)

  • Whilst many people live sedate lives stuck in front of their phones and laptops: Around 1 in 3 (34%) of men and 1 in 2 42% of women are not active enough for good health. (UK Gov)

The Impact of An Unhealthy Environment:

Now an ever increasing number of people are suffering from devastating mental issues and long-term conditions.

Our healthcare services are overwhelmed with demand and ever increasing costs. Resorting to desperately limiting access to health and support in an ever increasing ‘thickly walled garden’.

There are simply not enough clinicians and resources

There is not enough time to treat every medical issue.

The old solutions have failed.

Our society has created a sick environment.

Healthcare needs rewilding.

Rewilding healthcare in the community

What is ReWilding Healthcare?

Rewilding healthcare aims to change how we perceive and engage with health and wellbeing in our communities. Fostering a society where health is nurtured naturally in our communities, living in harmony with our environment.

In a world where traditional healthcare often waits for illness, rewilding healthcare seeks to prevent it before people get sick.

By bringing together a diverse range of people knowledge and expertise we are looking to innovate healthcare by making living healthily and well a natural part of people’s every day lives.

Bringing investment into the wild front line of community work. Finding new ways where people and communities can self manage their health. Create a system that supports people to live longer healthy lives enabling our healthcare services to focus on swift effective interventions on those most at need.

Scaffolding and probing Edge of Possible

“We cannot rely on the old model of government and health professionals telling people what to do. Rather, we must empower people to take control of their own health. We must give people the ability to do more for themselves, normalising self-care instead of defaulting to the NHS for every health need.”

(Professor John Deanfield

Why Is RewIlding Our InsPiration?

“Rewilding is the large-scale restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature can take care of itself”
(Rewilding Britain

The core idea of rewilding is to create space for natural systems to become self-sustaining. It recognises the interconnectedness of life, where outcomes are shaped by ecosystems as a whole, not by individual components working in isolation.

Our healthcare system, however, often treats our society as if it doesn’t exist, intervening heavily to treat individuals in isolation. However, those individuals are a symptom of a dysfunctional society, not the cause. If we can improve the self-regulation of our societies and learn from the ecology of interacting systems we will improve the outcomes of society.

Furthermore rewilding means different things in different environments. Similarly, we need to create communities that reflect the needs of the people that exist in their environment. What matters is not having one right answer. What matters is having a social ecosystem that works.

Rewilding is not about replacing healthcare. We need to apply healthcare learning to improve the function of our society. This is implementing healthcare in the ‘wilds’ of our communities. This is why innovation is crucial, the goal is to create an improving system that is constantly learning and adapting to people’s needs.

Our goal at Rewilding Healthcare is to apply healthcare innovations to create a dynamic system that rebalances, evolves, and adapts to respond to people’s actual needs, rather than chasing a fictional static “perfect” state.


Find Your path For Social Change

Journey to Social Impact 11 Step route to Social Change

Discover Your Path to Creating a Positive Impact On Your Community

To Rewild Healthcare we need to learn the practice of creating change in our communities.

It’s easy to have ideas. It’s hard to make change happen. I aim to be your helpful guide on your journey.

I have used my knowledge and experience from creating social change and healthcare initiatives to create and refine the Journey to Social Impact enabling you to find and create strong paths to change.

Change is all about people, and each step of the journey increases the possibilities for the following stages. Meaning as you progress your journey more and more opportunities open up.

I can give you support you at every step of the way, or at just the point in the journey you want help.

The goal is to help you to explore how best to use your skills, knowledge and passion and work with your communities increasing your effectiveness to create social change. Grow through working together and creating innovation.

You don’t have to follow this path. But learning each stage will maximise your chances of success.

Creating social change is not an easy or predictable journey and I will help you find the route that is best for you and the people you work with.

Helping you to play to your strengths and building a strong team to support. Making sure you navigate the pitfalls and don’t get stuck or lost.

Giving you the tools and guidance to empower you to make a difference to those you care about.

Create Flows of Social Change:

“The pessimist complains about the wind;

the optimist expects it to change;

the realist adjusts the sails.” 

(John Arthur Ward)

Create a flow of change for your community

Boost Engagement

Inspires & motivates participants, fostering a deeper level of involvement and sustained effort throughout the change process

Continuously Learn and Adapt

Creates a continuous feedback loop ensures the change process remains dynamic and adaptable, based on new insights and challenges.

Efficient Progression

Reduces effort between steps, maintaining momentum.

Empowered Participation

Provides timely information and builds supportive networks, enhancing decision-making and camaraderie.

Reduced Resistance

Actively reduces fear and uncertainty, creating a positive environment for change.

Next Steps

Register To Join

Meet Together

Create A Plan of Action

Who is ReWilding Healthcare For?

We Aim to Collaborate With:

  • Clinicians 
  • Health & Wellbeing Businesses
  • Charities
  • Social Enterprises
  • Community Groups
  • Community Leaders
  • Healthcare Organisations 
  • Local Authorities

Why Such a Wide Range?

By having diversity of people and groups involved in rewilding healthcare we increase the capability of everyone. It enables a much more broader range of interactions fostering new ideas and innovation.

This enables us to better adapt to the diverse range of needs of our communities.

Scaffolding and probing Edge of Possible

Why Focus on Communities For Rewilding Healthcare?

Traditional healthcare focuses only on the individual’s health and wellbeing.

But in reality many causes of disease are social in nature and are the result of community challenges: 

Increase people's activity levels through social events.

Address issues of loneliness and isolation.

Give access to counselling and support service in people's natural environments.


Connect people with similar challenges to work to better and understand and manage health and life issues.

Identify people who are struggling and connect them with support.

Normalise healthy eating and better lifestyles.

Addressing the significant healthcare & socioeconomic inequalities by engaging communities directly.

A Community Reimagining itself.

Spread education about the real science of healthcare address misinformation and develop insights into local healthcare challenges.

Identify challenges to good quality health and wellbeing in the community. (e.g. lack of shared community spaces)

Blog: Rewilding Healthcare In Our Communities.

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How We Can Help You

Edge of Possible Logo

The Edge of Possible  Approach

At Edge of Possible, we recognise the complexities and challenges of creating meaningful change in today’s world. In our ever changing world staying the same is not an option.

Yet most of our systems and processes for change remain rooted in the old mechanical world. People are not machines and their minds don’t need to be ‘set’.

In social systems, we have to create the conditions to evolve the change we want. Maximising the evolutionary potential of the present.

Rewilding healthcare is about spread and developing innovative new approaches to change that are rooted in our communities and people’s daily lives.  

We take a scientific approach dedicated to guiding individuals and organisations through their social change journey, offering bespoke consultancy services that play to your unique strengths and identity, amplifying the results through creating a continually improving, flow of change.

We just want to make sure we match. There’s no commitment.

Get Started With A CoNsultation

Your Free Consulation

Agree How We Can Best Work Together.

Start Working to Make Your Ideas Grow.

Rewilding HealThCare:

Frequently Asked Questions

No fees, no commitment. Let’s learn how we can work together.

How does Rewilding Healthcare differ from conventional healthcare?

Rewilding healthing care is in addition traditional conventional healthcare.

However, while conventional healthcare primarily relies on a top-down model, where patients receive services directly from healthcare professionals, predominently, in highly controlled and restricted clinicial environments Rewilding Healthcare leverages a bottom-up approach. It focuses on integrating social, community, and familial support systems to foster well-being, reducing the need for clinical intervention and creating a more resilient health ecosystem.

It’s about keeping people healthy in the (wilds) of communities, rather than waiting for them to get sick. To reach people and encourage healthier living requires additional and different skills than those most commonly practiced on patients in Drs surgeries or hospitals. 

How does Rewilding Healthcare address health inequalities?

You know your work and your community best.

That’s why we aim to give you the tools and techniques to boost your impact.

We want to listen to your needs and give you the things that can help you best.

How can communities benefit from Rewilding Healthcare?

Communities benefit by becoming more self-sufficient and resilient. Empowering people to take control of their health through community support networks can lead to improved mental and physical health outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and stronger social bonds. 

Are You Advocating For Natural Remedies Over Traditional Healthcare?

Absolutely not, we follow the advice of qualified medical experts first and foremost. 

We do not endorse ever going against clinical advice. If there is a medical question we very strongly recommend speaking to a clinician for expert advice and following it.

If in doubt call NHS 111 or see your GP.

Do You Want To Replace Traditional Healthcare?

The goal of rewilding healthcare is applying existing medical evidence in our communities in practical ways. This is in addition to the work of traditional healthcare institutions and providers. We endorse following expert medical advice at every stage. If in doubt seek your local GP or ring NHS 111 for medical advice.

Are You Affiliated With The NHS

We are not an NHS body or a registered medical provider. We work independently of the NHS. If you are an NHS organisation contact and we will be happy to discuss if and how we can work together.

Can Rewilding Healthcare be integrated with existing healthcare systems?

Yes, Rewilding Healthcare is not meant to replace existing systems but to complement them. It can be integrated by shifting focus to prevention, early intervention, and community-based support, which ultimately reduces the strain on hospitals and specialised care facilities.

What are the challenges of implementing Rewilding Healthcare?

Attempts at managing healthcare in the community in the UK have had minor successes at best and consistently failed. This is as a rigid top down interventionist approach disengages people and communities. 

Challenges include shifting the systems and processes of healthcare professionals and policymakers, obtaining funding for community-based projects, and ensuring consistent community engagement. It also requires coordination between various stakeholders, such as local government, healthcare providers, and community organisations.

What are the potential long-term benefits of Rewilding Healthcare?

The long-term benefits include improved population health, reduced healthcare costs, a more engaged and health-conscious community, and a more sustainable and flexible healthcare system that can better respond to crises and changing health needs.