This guide defines what is a project as well giving you a deep understanding of what is different about a social project. What it means to be different from other types of project, as well as providing examples to inspire you.

What is a Social Project: Key Takeaway.

Social projects focus on improving society by addressing complex issues like inequality, requiring adaptability and continuous learning. They differ from traditional projects by tackling “wicked problems” without clear solutions, emphasising community impact over process. Initiatives range from community gardens to literacy programs, aiming for positive change by understanding the social context and employing strategic frameworks like Cynefin.

Learn the key to success with social project by learning how and why they are different and traditional project management will usually fail at social change.

Definition of What is a Social Project

A social project is a deliberate change that aims to make society better by tackling problems affecting society, like inequality or poor mental health. Unlike typical projects that have a clear end and specific steps, social projects deal with tricky issues that don’t have easy solutions. They need to be flexible and keep learning to really make a difference.

Why Social Projects Are Different From Normal Projects

A social project is different in nature from many other types of project. This is because they are predominantly aimed at addressing wicked problems. That does not mean they are evil! It means they can never be fully understood or solved. They can only be improved addressed and navigated, and certainly not in a narrowly defined timeframe.

Differences Between Community Projects and Social Projects

A social project can be thought of as the process of implementing initiatives, interventions or social innovations that aim to address social issues, such as poverty, inequality, health, education, or community development. A community project is similar but it focuses on creating a specific change in a particular community. This may or may not include a social issue directly, but as it affecting the community the outcome will certainly be a social impact. So in practical terms a community project is a subset of social projects.

What is Social Impact?

What is social impact getting to the heart of the matter

Social Impact is the emergent change in a community, connected to an action. Social impact encompasses both the positive and negative effects on people’s health, well-being, and relationships.

Learn more about social impact and how to avoid the common and often expensive mistake most people make in understanding it in this blog.

Why are Social Projects Not Just Normal Projects?

A project is defined by the Project Management Institute as a: ‘temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique project service or result.’

What is a social impact project why you need to think differently for social impact

Most people think of projects as a straight forwards sequence of step by step tasks, aimed at achieving a specific goal, in a certain time frame. Whilst I’ve written about this approach can introduce bias and issues of making projects unrealistically big. This can work well in highly controlled environments. In a controlled environment, you can ensure nothing changes apart from your project.

Yet, social projects are different. They are not about completing a set of tasks. They are about creating positive change in communities and addressing complex social issues. Those projects may never truly fix the problem. But they can help make a real difference to people’s lives. Putting an end date on the social project is just arbitrary as putting an end date on people’s problems.

Traditional Project Management for Process, Not People.

Project Management Process

First of all it is important to understand where traditional methods of project management come from and what they are good for. Traditional project processes have been developed for software development such as Prince2 and Agile methodologies. Whilst manufacturing was responsible for Kanban and Lean). These are tame environments where you have predictable repeatable processes. You are almost fully in control of all the factors affecting success and have experts managing the processes.

Better Understand What Are Social Projects as Addressing Wicked Problems

In contrast our social environment is full of what’s known as wicked problems. Wicked problems aren’t evil, but they are troublesome, In 1973, design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber coined the term “wicked problem”. This was to highlight the complexities and challenges of addressing social policy problems. In summary, a wicked problem has no real definition, no stopping rule, and no solution, and every wicked problem is unique. Every human in every society is unique and constantly changing, so it is no surprise that social change is often a wicked problem.

Wicked Problems for  Social Projects and social impact

Why Addressing Social Issues is A Wicked Problem?

The wickedness of social issues can be illustrated as much of the time it is difficult to get to the heart of the problem, as it may manifest in many forms. One example is racism. Racism is multifaceted. It can be institutionalised and a result of insensitive cultural norms, as well as direct and interpersonal. It also may sometimes be inter-related to religion, sexism, and socio-economics status. At same time it might be related to none of those things.

Indeed many of the causes of racism may be unknown and unknowable. e.g. the impact of someone’s family and education. Much as we may despise racism, and should always act against it. Detecting and eradicating in every single way is beyond the capability of any simple change process.

People are not widgets in a factory nor robots following programmes. They adapt and change. Today’s solution could be tomorrow’s new problem. e.g. treating everyone the same may result in arguments about whose same it is. That said, if we work together across our society we can go a long way to addressing the issue and improve the lives of those affected by it, in all its forms.

Social Projects are Unique

Social projects require a different approach than other types of projects. One that focuses on the social context in which the project is being implemented. This means understanding the dynamics of the community, the existing social structures. As well as impacts of the project on the community. It also means being actively open to continuous learning and adaptation. This is as social issues are often complex and unpredictable. If we are successful over time we will build up knowledge and expertise and the systems that will support us.

How Do I Start Making a Social Project?

The best place to start making a social project is by understanding the nature of the problem. Is it a simple intervention, or one requiring expert judgement or is it a multifaceted problem that requires a network people working together. Understanding this is the best way to start a social project as it determines your project strategy.

How the Cynefin Framework Provides a Great Strategy Tool for Social Impact Projects

The Cynefin Framework

A fantastically useful tool that can be useful in approaching social projects is the Cynefin framework by Dave Snowden. This framework helps us to understand the complexity of the problem. I‘ve written how the Cynefin Framework helps us to recognise and respond to the environments that our projects are in. This enables us to break up social projects into the elements we can control and tailor our approach for different aspects of the problem. For example, in a clear environment with a best practice, a Prince2 approach would be appropriate. As there is a definitive right answer for us to categorise and act on. e.g. The best recipe to bake a cake.

Where things are complicated we may need the help of experts to create a solution through an agile adaptive methodology. While in a complex problem, we need a community of people (or a steering group) to understand the issues across the environment, so that they can guide our approach. Tools such as The Social Project Compass will then enable us to navigate the challenges as we come across them.

How Do You Create a Social Project?

To start a social project, first pick a problem you care about, like helping the environment or addressing isolation in the elderly. Talk with experts and the community to identify potential solutions. Test the solutions. Find people to help you, look for money and resources, and start small. Always check if your project is making a difference and be ready to change your plan if needed.

The Social Impact Journey a Leadership 11 step journey to social Impact portrayed as a path up a mountain
The Journey to Social Impact

Creating a Social Project You Journey To Making an Impact

The Journey of Social Impact is Edge of Possible step by step guide that helps you create a social project. Through taking you through a series that increase the possibility of success of each subsequent stage. Guiding you all the way from your initial vision for a project through implementation. It is aimed at getting you support and momentum giving you a systematic way to make a social impact.

What Are Examples of Social Projects?

Examples of social projects include:

Community Gardens:

Creating green spaces in urban areas to improve community health, provide fresh produce, and foster a sense of community. These are often focused on a specific community with an issue. E.g. A peace garden for military veterans such as the Armed Forces Community Garden in Solihull.

Literacy Programs:

Offering reading and writing classes to children and adults in underserved communities to boost education and employment opportunities. Such as the National Literacy Trust’s Early Words Together Scheme.

Clean Water Initiatives:

Installing water purification systems in areas without access to clean drinking water to prevent diseases and improve quality of life. An Example is the Planet Water Foundation plan to build 28 AquaTowers.

Homelessness Shelters and Services:

Providing temporary housing, meals, and job training for homeless individuals to help them regain stability. Homelessness often requires multifactored inventions such as the range of services provided by Crisis

Environmental Conservation Projects:

Organising tree planting, recycling, and conservation education campaigns to protect natural resources and wildlife. An example of this is the programme to protect the large temporal rainforest in Alaska through the Sustainable Southeast Partnership.

Mental Health Awareness Campaigns:

Promoting mental health awareness and providing support resources to reduce stigma and encourage people to seek help. Such as the Just Life homeless mental health awareness project in Brighton providing support whilst giving shelter.

Youth Mentorship Programs:

Connecting young people with mentors who can offer guidance, support, and opportunities for personal and professional development. An example is Action4Youth providing 121 and group support.

Each of these projects addresses specific social issues, aiming to create positive changes in communities and improve people’s lives.

A Detailed Example of a Social Project: A Falling Problem

Falls are a wicked problem
Falls are very hard to prevent until it’s too late.

One example of a social project that addresses a wicked problem is the implementation of a project aimed at preventing falls and reducing hospital admissions:

The average person has 15 falls before an emergency admission. Many of these are often minor and mostly unreported. But the one big fall can be very serious. Resulting injuries such as hip fractures. It is a wicked problem as there are many reasons for falling. Because falls can occur for a variety of reasons, and happen at any time, including medical issues, environmental factors, and individual behaviour.

A panel of expert clinicians was convened to provide guidance on how to act and where to intervene to address the issue and result in fewer people having serious harm from a fall. The project team identified things that could be managed within the system. Rather than trying to prevent falls entirely across the healthcare system. They created new training for patients and distributed to front-line Drs and community staff. Identifying opportunities to target patients at an early stage proactively who were at risk of falling. Providing coaching physiotherapy, and emphasising patient education to reduce falls. It resulted in 12% fewer hospital admissions from falls that year. Through a series of simple interventions, targeted at a complex problem.

Why Start a Social Project?

Some may think this approach is too complex and time-consuming. Or it is not realistic to try to tackle these wicked problems? However, we only need to see the challenges our societies are facing and how many of these problems are related to social issues. These social issues are complex and interrelated and need to be handled with sensitivity. Rather than brute force change process.

The parable of the good Samaritan in Christianity teaches people not to walk on by those we see in distress. Yet our society leaves people broken and isolated by the wayside every day. If we have the skills, we should help. But we need to do that with sensitivity to the needs of those we help. So we help them, meet their complex needs, and also address the situation that put them there.

Passion Skills & Knowledge, social projects and social impact

How to Manage a Social Project? Social Project Guide

Learn how to manage a social project with our complete guide to social and community projects.

How to Lead Social Impact

Social Impact Leadership requires a large number of different tools, skills and knowledge For a thorough guide from an experienced professional please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Meant by the Social Relevance of a Project

The social relevance of a project is it’s significance and impact on addressing a specific societal issues or need. Assessed by the extent the project contributes to the well-being, improvement, or positive change in communities or society at large.

What is the Meaning of Social Project Management

Social project management is the process of leading and organising projects that aim to address social issues. There is an increased emphasis community engagement, adaptability, and the creation of social value alongside achieving project goals. It prioritises human and societal needs over traditional project metrics.

What Are Social Development Projects

Social development projects are focused on removing the constraints to progress that limit the health and wellbeing of communities. By addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, and inadequate healthcare, social development projects work towards creating more equitable societies.


What is a social project? It is unique process of change focused on creating positive change in communities and addressing complex & wicked social issues. To be successful, and address the wickedness they require a different approach than other types of projects, one that takes into account the social context in which the project is being implemented. We also need to be open to continuous learning and adaptation. Using a framework like Cynefin and tools such as the social project compass can be helpful in guiding this approach.

Learn to create change that flows: Discover more at


Why do people think they can fix social problems with simple projects?

What are the most common mistakes people make with social projects?

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