A great project funding proposal template can be the difference between success and failure of an entire social impact initiative.
Research from the BMJ indicates that only 21% of funding grants are successful and that 20-25% success rate is typical. Of course, this acceptance rate varies significantly across different fields. However, it is clear: many proposals do not make the cut. Giving commissioners and investors the challenging task of selecting among many competing bids.
Key Takeaways:
Use a project funding proposal template to structure your application for projects.
Increases chances of success by ensuring all necessary information is included.
Saves time by providing a clear roadmap for completing your proposal.
Helps tailor your proposal to the funder’s interests and priorities.
Enables clear communication of your project’s impact and feasibility.
Table of Contents
Download this Free Project Proposal Template in Word
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Why Use The Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template?
What is the Purpose of the Free Word The Free Word Project Funding Proposal?
The purpose this project funding proposal template is to provide your funding proposal with the best chance of of success. Based on my 20 years of experience, I’ve made sure to cover the key topics you need to cover in your bid to give confidence to your potential investors.
How Can You Use the Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template?
You can either use it to apply directly to the funder if they have not given you a template to fill in. Or you can use it to make sure you are answering the key questions that your funder will believe makes your bid a credible bid. Alternatively a funder can use the template to send to their own applicants to make sure they have a rigorous well structured application process.
Why Do You Provide the Funding Proposal Template in Word?
By providing the funding proposal in word I am giving you the opportunity to adapt the proposal to the unique circumstances of the bidding process. You can add more details or take them away. But know you have a good foundational structure for your proposal. Using word also helps you benefit from simply adding and inserting the details in the commonly used Microsoft Word format everyone recognises and uses.
When to Use the Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template?
It is most helpful to use the template as soon as you know that you are going to apply for funds. If you attempt to complete the first draft of the proposal early it allows you to both get feedback for others on your application as well as understand which areas your bid is week and which areas are strong.

How to Prepare for An Application Using the Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template
You can use the free word project funding proposal template to prepare for an application by using it to understand what key questions you have to answer for the application. By filling in the word template you can see where the gaps in your knowledge and use this to ask questions of colleagues, do research and put your time in preparation of the funding proposal to the best possible use.
What is Different About Your Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template?
This template was created using the benefits of my years of experience in every aspect of the project funding process. It most commonly reflects what funders are most looking for in bids in practice. These are the factors that funders will look at side by side when comparing different bids. I’ve strike a balance between being rigorous and not asking for more information than necessary. (Most of the template I’ve seen ask for nowhere near enough info). Finally this template aligns with my professional guidance and advice that i provide in this and other posts and in person.
Why Does Your Word Project Funding Proposal Template Not Have lots of Fancy Editing.
I know from experience how irritating and frustrating it is to get a template from online and then have to spend ages removing all the silly pictures and logos because it doesn’t fit my organisation. (only to embarrassingly still miss one or two). The fancy editing ironically tells a funder that you are either spending too much time and resource on making things look pretty or you got someone else to do it. This is a basic word document because that’s what the professionals use. This template is literally the one I use.
Can’t I Just Ask AI to Produce a Template instead of the Free Word Project Funding Template.
AI can be a reasonable starting point for the amateur. But funding is a competitive possess with only about 20-25% of bids being approved. You need to get ahead and be the best not some ai spam that anyone can use. AI no understanding or knowledge about makes a good template, what funders are looking for in reality. It doesn’t know the right level of detail, either producing lots of irrelevant information or making it far too simple. Yes you can use AI but don’t complain if it ends up with a poor bid or one that sounds just like everyone else’s.
Why Are You Giving Away the Word Project Funding Proposal Template for FREE
I’m giving the template away for free (I know there are others that charge) as I genuinely want to help community projects and not-for-profits get a fair playing field. It is also such a tiny fraction of my knowledge I have tools and techniques that other people simply don’t have. Keep up on my website to find out more.
Getting Started With Project Funding Proposals
What is a Project Funding Proposal Template
A project funding proposal template is a predefined structure that guides applicants in presenting their projects to potential funders, detailing essential elements like objectives, budget, and expected outcomes. It’s pivotal in making applications consistent and easy for funders to assess bids fairly.
J-P’s Pro Tip for Project Proposal Templates: Use Word For Drafting a Funding Proposal
In my experience templates can take many different forms. Sometimes this can be in excel or an online form. When this is the case it is almost always best to complete the answer in word. Spellcheck and edit it share it with others before copying and pasting your response into the spreadsheet or online form.
Why Do You Need a Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template
A well structured template can be the key to a successful bidding process for both investors, and applicants. When bids fall short, it’s often due to a failure to meet project requirements. Thus, clarity on both the requirements and how the proposal addresses them is crucial for all parties involved.

When we create a Project Funding Proposal it is best to create a clear structure for the application. It is important for the success of any project that contingencies and thought though. To manage risks for both parties and ensure the investment has the maximum impact.
J-P’s Pro Tip for Why Project Proposal Templates: Templates Tell You About What The Funder Values
What is and isn’t asked about in the template can provide key information of what the funder thinks is a priority. If something is asked about you haven’t thought of you need to make sure you go into detail and make a good answer on that topic.
What are the Benefits to the Commissioner or Investor of a Good Project Funding Proposal Template
For commissioners or investors, a good project funding proposal template can aid the comparison between applications. It also enables a structured format for reviewing applications. This not only aids in decision making, the template can also form the basis for a scoring system to identify each bid’s strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, a template ensures that all bids meet the necessary requirements. Meaning that investment risks can be managed more effectively. It also encourages applicants to more thoroughly consider and prepare their proposals. Enhancing the quality of submissions and maximising the chance of success for all parties.
What are the Benefits for the Applicant of Using the Project Funding Proposal Template
For anyone applying for project funds whether they are beginner or experienced applicant, a template is an invaluable tool to structure your bid. It can act as a checklist to make sure you have everything you need, and makes sure you are covering everything the funder wants to see. While it can feel like a frustrating, bureaucratic process (believe me I know!). A template is essential for enhancing your proposal’s chances of success.
What if the Project Funder Has Already Given You a Project Funding Template?
If the potential investor has given you a template it is vital that you stick to it and an. However, it is pretty common for the funder to not be specific in what information they are asking from you. The funders categories can be broad and the questions to be vague. If you can really help to make sure that you have answered all the questions in the example template below within your answers. So do use the example template below as a checklist for your application. Using the following example will give your proposal a competitive edge over rival bids. Presenting it as highly professional and a well considered application.

J-P’s Pro Tip for the Benefits Project Proposal Templates: Language Matters
The key thing about the proposal funding template is to make sure that applicant and the funder are using the same language and thinking about the same thing. A template acts as an important way of assessing this information. The language in the proposal and the requirements, tells you about the sort of language you are expecting to use in your proposal.
How to Assess Your Existing Project Funding Proposal Against the Template
It’s worth noting that proposals are typically assessed using a Red-Amber-Green rating. Scored against each question in the project funding proposal template. This method is very likely how your bid will be evaluated by investors. Conducting a self assessment using the template, before you send it, can ensure you’ve addressed all their requirements.
To give your proposal the best chance of success make sure you go into specifics and details about every point. This can help you guide conversations with people before you submit a bid. For example, finding out maintenance costs for equipment you will be using. By being accurate specific and detailed you can use the template to give your bid the best possible chance of success.
J-P’s Pro Tip for Assessing Project Proposal Templates: Evidence Your Claims
Every claim you need to ask what is the evidence. How have we proven we can do that? This is one of the key questions of a funder looks at when they are assessing your claim.
Project Funding Proposal Strength Test

Perhaps the best way to test the strength of your bid before submitting it is to complete the Free Project Funding Strength Test. This free test will provide feedback on the strongest and weakest areas of your bid and help you create a well rounded and show you can most efficiently use your remaining time.
J-Ps Pro Tip for Why Project Funding Proposal Strength Test: It Tells You How You Can Best Spend Your Time
Yes it will take 20mins to full in. The reason is it’s a high quality test. But if your bid is not successful you will have wasted ALL the time you spent on it. One of the key bits in the results is how you can best spend the rest of the time on your proposal. Can you afford NOT to do it.

How Do You Write a Project Funding Proposal Using a Template
Crafting a successful funding proposal requires a conscientious approach: Work through the template step by step answering each question. Ensure that every section of the proposal, from the problem statement to the budget, clearly articulates how your project addresses a significant need. As well as outlining a clear, feasible plan for implementation. Use data and evidence to back your claims. Demonstrate both the urgency of the problem and the effectiveness of your proposed solution.
Make sure you have a compelling executive summary that captures your project’s essence, and its potential impact for senior decision makers – it’s likely that’s all they will read. Finally, personalise your proposal giving the human story to reflect the priorities and guidelines of both yours and the funding organisation. Show how your project aligns with their mission and connects with their values.
J-P’s Pro Tip for Writing a Project Funding Proposal: Be Accurate, Don’t Waffle.
The language you needs to be direct and to the point. Every word counts. A funder confronted with a wall of vague text will simply skim read it. (If like me you’ve had to read through 25 plus applications you will understand why.)
A Simple to Follow Plan for Writing a Project Proposal
I’ve created a helpful 10 step guide which you can read about here:

How my Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template is Structured.

Below is a template structure that covers most of the standard areas a project funding proposal would be expected to include:
- Project Overview
- Executive Summary
- Summary of the Proposed Project
- Executive Summary
- Total Funding Requested
- Amount Requested
- Time Period
- Lead Contact(s)
- Organisation
- Phone
- Address
- Problem Statement
- Proposed Intervention
- Evidence That the Intervention Will Address the Issue
- Brief Overview of the Applying Organisation and its Vision
- Date Proposal Submitted
- Proposed Start Date
- Project/Programme Duration
- Proposed End Date
- Project Objectives
- Targeted Population
- Reason For Selecting Target Population
- Targeted Population
- Project Oversight / Governance
- Project / Programme Activities
- Planned Project Outcomes
- Communications Plan
- Sustainability Plan
- Budget
- Projected Costs
- Applicants Capacity & Experience
- Brief Description of the Applying Organisation
- Relevant Organisational Experience & Qualifications
- Resources and Capability
- Key Personnel & Responsibilities
- Project Monitoring & Evaluation
- Key Performance Indicators
- Benchmarks or Targets
- Reporting and Monitoring Plan
- Evaluation Plan
- Outcomes & Benefits
- Expected Outcomes (Short Term, Medium Term, Long Term)
- Evidence Base for Expected Achievement of Outcomes
- Potential Negative Impacts / Consequences of the Change
- Key Milestones
- Risks and Mitigations
- Sustainability / Maintenance Plan
- Action Timeline
Limits of the Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template.

The free word project proposal template is designed to cover all the most common areas that a commissioner or investor would need to know. However, it is important to note each proposal may have its own individual requirements. The unique specifics of the proposal may be the key determinant of whether a bid is won or lost. So watch out for them.
J-P’s Pro Tip For Free Word Project Funding Proposal Template
To win a proposal the funder needs to trust you. Nothing beats building a relationship to build up that trust. As soon as you see the funder is asking for bids, get in contact with them and arrange a meeting. Find out what the funder will want from the proposal.
How Can I Get Help With My Project Funding Proposal?
Every project is unique and most people need some help and support to produce a great bid. I offer personalised consulting (Click Here) to manage your project funding process. as I help you get your story across Helping to create a bid with the best change of success.
I have created a guide with 16 expert to to get your project funded here.
I’ve have created a complete guide to creating successful social impact project funding proposals here.
What Makes a Good Funding Proposal?
A good funding proposal stands out by being clear, concise, and compelling. It clearly defines the problem it aims to solve, presents a well thought out plan for action. Works methodically through any templates. Whilst demonstrating and evidencing the project’s potential impact. Good proposals are also tailored to the funder’s interests, highlighting how the project aligns with their goals. Importantly, they provide detailed budgets and timelines, showing that the project is both practical and feasible. Finally, they tell a compelling story of how your unique capability meets the funder’s needs.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What Makes a Good Funding Proposal for a Community or Social Impact Project
A good project funding proposal from a community or charity stands out by clearly articulating the story of how they will meet the project’s objectives. Whilst demonstrating a direct impact on the community or target group, and showcasing the organisation’s capacity to successfully implement the project. It is usually particularly important to show that the charity or social enterprise has taken the specific additional needs of marginalised groups into account.
It includes a detailed budget, a realistic timeline, and evidence of previous successes or learnings. Transparency, a compelling narrative that connects emotionally with the reader, and a strong case for the necessity and feasibility of the project are also crucial components.
What’s Different about a Funding Proposal Template from a Community Project or Social Impact Project
The funders know you care. What you actually have to demonstrate is do you have the capability, knowledge and organisation to do what you say you want to do. Every community or charity cares, but few that are really organised and precise are the ones that really stand out. Completing the template rigorously and in detail is an excellent way of communicating that. Please take extra care in specifying how and where you will spend the money and what you will achieve with it. Don’t overpromise. But don’t underspecify either.
Effective funding proposals are crucial for project success. They acting as a bridge between visionary ideas and their realisation. A well structured template, such as my free word funding proposal template, not only streamlines the application process for applicants. It also aids commissioners and investors in making informed decisions. By emphasising, how a project funding proposal meets requirements, you can enhance your chances of funding. Ultimately, the right template transforms potential into impactful reality, enabling meaningful change.
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PRoject Funding Advice
Win Funding For Your Project With Professional Advice.
I offer personalised consultancy to help you and your organisation to get funding to make changes that matter.